Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 was about audiovisual technology in the classroom. It talks about technologies like audiotapes/talking books, multimedia kits, oral histories, oral journals, broadcast audio, video, mp3s, DVDs, and digital projectors. Having tinkered with it some in my spare time in the past, the part of most interest to me was the digital video editing and video compression sections. However I did have to laugh at the photo of the kids at the listening center. I have not seen that particular system since about 1988.

As I stated in my chapter 9 activities, I like the idea of using webcams for classes that the chapter presents; it is just difficult to find relevant and readily accessible resources to use them in the field of Social Studies. Occasionally there are digs that are covered, but the sites only last a short time. Another possible use in a social studies classroom might be to arrange an online conference or something with legislators for a unit on civics.

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