Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 focused on the use of the internet. It discusses different technologies that link to form the world wide web, as well as the differences between a webpage and a website. The last part mentions Virtual Reality, search engines, and portals.

The activity focused mostly on the virtual reality section of the chapter. The activity involved looking up information on virtual reality and then practicing using VR systems exploring a few that were linked in the exercises website for the textbook.

This went well, once I found one that was working. Most of the pages led to 404 or 505 errors. This reinforces one of my points from an earlier review, where I said a backup plan should be present in case the technology fails.

All of the sims I tinkered with dealt with astronomy and physics. This is not very relevant to Social Studies, but I do know that some VR sims exist that allow user exploration. The most recognized one at the moment would probably be GoogleEarth, but I know there are others that allow for exploration of reconstructed ancient buildings or economic and civics emulators.

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