Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 focuses on Academic software, which was introduced in Chapter 5. Academic software can be used by either teachers or students to accomplish learning goals. According to the chapter, this includes software like Microsoft Publisher, PrintShop, Encarta, and Oregon Trail.

I particularly liked the idea presented about hypermedia. I had been using it for a while, without knowing the name for it, and like the non-linear format this idea allows for. It is particularly useful when doing research, as more data can be gathered through links to make points more clear, or they can be bypassed if I already know it, or if it is not particularly relevant.

The section that will be particularly relevant to my teaching career will be the section about reference software. The social studies field tends to be research heavy for both the teachers and students. While I may not have access to the individual software mentioned as DVDs, there are always the online equivalents, such as Britannica Online.

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